RGS Architectural Design Consultants | Services
Alterations and extensions to dwellings(loft conversions, sun lounge extensions, extension to provide all types of additional accommodation
New build projects (new dwellings, garages, storage units, equestrian facilities, catteries, kennels, etc
Conversions (church to dwelling, steading to dwelling, coach house to ‘granny flat’ etc)
Alterations and extensions to commercial premises
Alterations and extensions to licensed premises
Alterations to educational facilities
Alterations to football and sporting facilities
Listed building consents
Alterations to premises to allow access for disabled persons
We have a number of examples of alterations and extensions to dwellings, loft conversions, sun lounge extensions, extension to provide all types of additional accommodation etc. You can see examples on our projects page
New Build
We have undertaken an array of new dwellings, house styles, licensed premises, commercial units, equestrian facilities, catteries, kennels etc
This experience allows us to accommodate a diversity of new project ideas.
We enjoy a challenge and with some creative imagination we have helped to inspire some historic conversions that have both kept to the traditional integrity and created modern living space.
Please see examples in our projects page
We provide support and design services to the commercial sector also. We have undertaken a range of different projects in this area
Our recent experience includes equestrian facilities, hotel, retail, catteries and kennels
For more information call 07793 007016 / 01803 907725 or email office@rgsdesign.co.uk